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Technical Salesperson Vacancy, Professional Audio Sales in London

LMC Audio Systems is a leading UK trade dealer of professional audio equipment providing nationwide coverage with branches in London and Birmingham.
LMC’s Sales teams serve the UK live audio market to provide tailored pro audio system solutions to suit all customer requirements and budgets. Our well-informed staff provide independent advice to new and established customers across all live audio market segments including Concert Touring, Corporate AV, Rental, Installation, House of Worship and Theatre.

We are looking for an enthusiastic Technical Salesperson with excellent communication and interpersonal skills to join the team based in our London office.

The role offers a fantastic opportunity to a starter or experienced sales person to develop personal initiative and creativity skills with a view to progressing new business and developing long-term customer relationships.
Day to day responsibilities will include liaising with B2B and B2C customers and suppliers, dealing with incoming sales enquiries, order and purchasing administration, stock management and other tasks required to maintain the professional reputation and success of the company, and of the London office.

Please apply with current CV and covering letter explaining why you may be suitable for this role to the Managing Director, Paul Hinkly:


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